Welcome to Lana's Dog Training
INFORMATION If your starting out with a new puppy or have an older dog who could learn some new manners, or just want a dog that doesn't pull on the lead....
We are here to help you!
We have a range of group classes to suit your needs, or private lessons are available by appointment.
PLEASE NOTE: Each class is designed to cater for your needs so bookings are essential. We gather information before commencement to work out how to best assist you. These classes provide owners with the skills and knowledge of how dogs learn, and how to understand their dogs behavior in a friendly and relaxed environment.
Dogs don't think the same, act the same or learn the same so we use modern reward based collective training to suit your dogs needs.
Meet the team
Lana - Qualified dog trainer with over six years experience and
a member AAPDT association
Grace - Trainee trainer with experience fostering Assistance dogs.
Training comes in many forms:
Obedience for dogs to learn to walk with you nicely , come when called and respect owners.
Sound Training to insure they aren't noise sensitive ( thunder, fireworks, trucks, bikes )
Object Training to insure Umbrellas, noisy toys and moving objects are tolerated and not feared.
Surprise a friend or family member with a class gift voucher.